People Group Profiles

“All nations will come and worship before you."

- Revelations 15:4

Chippewa of United States

People Group Info

Total Population: 114,020

ROP3 Code: 114918
IMB Affinity Group: American Peoples
Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples
People Cluster: North American Indigenous
Language: Ojibwa - (oji)
Religion: Christianity - Roman Catholic
Country of Origin: United States

Photo courtesy of

Majority Located Where

  , ND - 9,700

  , MI - 5,900

  , MN - 4,800

The above Chippewa people group markers are not defined to the above mentioned city. Instead, each marker serves as the sum population of Chippewa within a 100 mile radius.

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Brief Profile

Chippewa is an alternate spelling of the Ojibwe tribe of North America, residing both in United States and Canada, who predominantly reside in the northern central United States with the largest population living in Minnesota.

Much diversity exists among Ojibwe communities in both Canada and the United States. As a result, much diversity exists among the Ojibwe people, all contributed from geographical and local cultural environments.

Much language diversity exists among the Ojibwe people in terms of language. There are communities where only Ojibwe is spoken and others where English is only spoken and understood.

To watch an informative video and learn about the Ojibwe people, click here.

Ojibwe people adhere to Roman Catholicism and traditional religious beliefs. Some also are evangelical Christians.

Traditional spiritual beliefs are passed down by oral tradition, including a creation story and a recounting of the origins of ceremonies and rituals. Ojibwe spirits guide them through life. Birch bark scrolls and petroforms are used to pass along knowledge and information, as well as for ceremonies. Pictographs are also used for ceremonies.

Watch the following video to learn about the 7 traditional religious teachings of the Ojibwe people.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that evangelical Christians will embrace what is good within the Ojibwe culture so that the gospel makes sense and becomes indigenous among the people.
  • Pray for the Ojibwe people and the many changes to their homeland.

People Group Resources

Native Americans - Worldview and Trends
Learn about Native Americans, their Worldview and Trends.

Learning Resources

Learn more about "Learning Paths"
Online Courses for embracing, encountering and engaging diaspora people. Work at your own pace. Begin anytime and complete the course according to your schedule. Interactive, Hands-On Application.

Learn more about "Reaching the Nations"
This book delineates five disciplines Christians should develop in order to effectively reach the nations. More specifically, it will guide Christians to develop an engagement strategy in their locale.

World Religions - Beliefs Overview
An overview of major world religions and cults - their beliefs and practices.

Other Resources

Prayer Guide for Unreached Peoples
A 30 day guide to pray for unreached people groups.

Prayer Guide using the GOSPELS acronym
A prayer guide that utilizes the acronym GOSPELS to pray for workers among diaspora.

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