People Group Profiles

“All nations will come and worship before you."

- Revelations 15:4

Apache, Mescalero of United States

People Group Info

Total Population: 3,400

ROP3 Code: 106563
IMB Affinity Group: American Peoples
Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples
People Cluster: North American Indigenous
Language: Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache - (apm)
Religion: Ethnic Religions
Country of Origin: United States

Photo courtesy of Joshua Project.
By Anonymous

Majority Located Where

  , NM - 3,400

The Mescalero Apache are predominantly located in south central New Mexico, generally south of Ruidosa and west of Tularosa. For more info, visit the Mescalero Apache Reservation website.

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Brief Profile

The Mescalero Apache are one among five Apache people groups in the United States. They are federally recognized as the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Apache Reservation in south central New Mexico. The Mescalero people operate several tourist enterprises to attract people and boost their economy.

Mescalero identity is filled with legends of the past. For instance, four mountains represent the direction of everyday life for the Mescalero Apache people: those being, (1) Sierra Blanca, (2) Guadalupe Mountains, (3) Three Sisters Mountain and (4) Oscura Mountain Peak. Moreover, their forefathers spoke of a creator giving them life on White Mountain. It was there that White Painted Woman gave birth to two sons, Child of Water and Killer of Enemies. They were born during a turbulent rainstorm when thunder and lightning came from the sky.

Their identity is also reinforced by maintaining rituals and rites. For instance, one rite of passage is a four-day ceremony that marks the transition of an individual from one stage of life to another, from girlhood to womanhood. In their belief system, specific animals serve as either good or evil fortune. Snakes, bears, and owls are all considered omens and are to be avoided.

To learn more about the Mescalero people, click here.

The following map depicts their territory ...

Prayer Points

  • Pray for Mescalero Christians to have boldness in sharing their faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Ask God to work in the lives of younger Mescalero to understand and receive the message of Christ.
  • Pray for Christians to minister to the Mescalero felt and spiritual needs.

People Group Resources

Native Americans - Worldview and Trends
Learn about Native Americans, their Worldview and Trends.

Learning Resources

Learn more about "Learning Paths"
Online Courses for embracing, encountering and engaging diaspora people. Work at your own pace. Begin anytime and complete the course according to your schedule. Interactive, Hands-On Application.

Learn more about "Reaching the Nations"
This book delineates five disciplines Christians should develop in order to effectively reach the nations. More specifically, it will guide Christians to develop an engagement strategy in their locale.

World Religions - Beliefs Overview
An overview of major world religions and cults - their beliefs and practices.

Other Resources

Prayer Guide for Unreached Peoples
A 30 day guide to pray for unreached people groups.

Prayer Guide using the GOSPELS acronym
A prayer guide that utilizes the acronym GOSPELS to pray for workers among diaspora.

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