People Group Profiles

“All nations will come and worship before you."

- Revelations 15:4

Liechtensteiner of United States

People Group Info

Total Population: 820

ROP3 Code: 105759
IMB Affinity Group: European Peoples
Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples
People Cluster: Germanic
Language: Swiss German - (gsw)
Religion: Non-Religious
Country of Origin: Liechtenstein

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Majority Located Where

  New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY - 820

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Brief Profile

The Liechtensteiner people migrated from Liechtenstein, a small country of 62 square miles with a total population of a little over 37,000 which is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. Liechtenstein is situated in the Upper Rhine valley of the European Alps and the entire western border is Rhine River.

They speak Swiss German, which is not mutually intelligible with German. They are highly literate and very well educated with the country's education system being ranked the 10th in the world.

The majority of Liechtensteiner people may claim Roman Catholicism as their religious adherence with a very small percentage claiming Protestant Christianity.

However, even those who claim Roman Catholicism are non-religious. In other words, they do not practice Roman Catholicism or another religion. Rather, they live a secular lifestyle.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that Christians will exemplify a lifestyle that places Christ first in relation to all matters in life for Liechtensteiners.
  • Pray that God will create a desire within Liechtensteiners to search after spiritual truth.

Learning Resources

Learn more about "Learning Paths"
Online Courses for embracing, encountering and engaging diaspora people. Work at your own pace. Begin anytime and complete the course according to your schedule. Interactive, Hands-On Application.

Learn more about "Reaching the Nations"
This book delineates five disciplines Christians should develop in order to effectively reach the nations. More specifically, it will guide Christians to develop an engagement strategy in their locale.

World Religions - Beliefs Overview
An overview of major world religions and cults - their beliefs and practices.

Other Resources

Prayer Guide for Unreached Peoples
A 30 day guide to pray for unreached people groups.

Prayer Guide using the GOSPELS acronym
A prayer guide that utilizes the acronym GOSPELS to pray for workers among diaspora.

Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
Country City Metro Area Name State / Prov. Baseline Population
United StatesQueensNew York-Newark-Jersey CityNY820