People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-22 of 22 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
KonkaniIndiaHinduismKonkani (individual language) - (knn)5,815
MalayaliIndiaHinduismMalayalam - (mal)227,955
MarathiIndiaHinduismMarathi - (mar)47,800
AssameseIndiaIslamAssamese - (asm)1,300
Gujarati (Muslim)IndiaIslam - ShiaGujarati - (guj)15,000
BihariIndiaIslam - SunniBhojpuri - (bho)150
MundaIndiaHinduismMunda - (unx)2,500
South Asian IndiansIndiaHinduismHindi - (hin)2,640,000
KeralaIndiaChristianity - CopticMalayalam - (mal)68,000
Naga, TangkhulIndiaChristianity - ProtestantTangkhul Naga (India) - (nmf)100
MeitheiIndiaHinduismManipuri - (mni)140
OriyaIndiaHinduismOriya (individual language) - (ory)2,900
RajasthaniIndiaHinduismGujarati - (guj)425
GoansIndiaHinduismGoan Konkani - (gom)6,925
TamilIndia Tamil - (tam)201,940
Gujarati (Hindu)IndiaHinduismGujarati - (guj)821,145
TeluguIndia Telugu - (tel)207,205
HindiIndiaHinduismHindi - (hin)1,479,923
Punjabi SikhIndiaOther Religions - SikhismPanjabi - (pan)860,000
KannadaIndiaHinduismKannada - (kan)47,645
KashmiriIndiaIslamKashmiri - (kas)3,320
Indian Muslims (Shaikh)IndiaIslamUrdu - (urd)60,000

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= Unengaged and Unreached

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