Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN

Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington is a metro area built around the Mississippi, Minnesota, and St. Croix rivers, and is commonly referred to as the Twin Cities. It is referred to as the Twin Cities because Minneapolis, the largest city in Minnesota, and St. Paul, the State's capitol, are both located within this Metro Area.

The greater Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area is the largest metro area in Minnesota, and approximately 57% of the State's population lives there. The area is a economic powerhouse with the most Fortune 500 companies per capita than any other city in America, and is considered by Forbes magazine to be one of the best places for business and careers.

Total Population: 3,524,583

(An increase of 5.25 % in the past 5 years.)

Census Data

  • Foreign Born - 306,683
  • Language Spoken at Home - 393,435

Quick Facts

  • Over half of Minnesota state's total population live within the greater metro area.

  • Fifteen Fortune 500 companies are located in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region.

  • Minneapolis is currently ranked the most literate city in the United States.

  • The Minneapolis Skyway is the longest continuous skyway system in the world, spanning 69 downtown blocks.

  • The Twin Cities have one of the lowest unemployment rates among major metropolitan areas in the country.

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul has the largest Hmong population in the world outside of Laos.

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul is home to the largest Somali community outside of Africa, and is the number one destination for Somali refugees in the United States.

  • Approximately one third of the Somali population in North America reside in Minneapolis.

  • The greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area has the largest Ethiopian population, as well as the second largest Kenyan population in America.


Minneapolis and St. Paul are the anchoring cities in the area and represent the largest populations in the State. Both city's populations are trending upward, with each of their respective foreign-born populations increasing as well. With the influx of immigrants from southeast Asian, and African countries, the area's demographic makeup is becoming more and more diverse.

Historically, the Twin Cities area was predominate white area. However, in more recent years that has changed. Due to the large amount of business, it is home to one of the highest Fortune 500 per capita rate in the country, many wealthy south and east Asians have started to immigrate to Minneapolis and St. Paul looking for work. Minneapolis is also considered to be the most literate city in the country, so many of the immigrants have a relatively high education level.

Another large source of incoming foreign-born are refugees. Minneapolis has one of the largest refugee populations in the nation, and has one of the greatest rate of refugee resettlement as well. The greater Twin Cities area is home to a large number of refugees from northern Africa. Minneapolis has the largest Somali population outside of Africa. With a growing Latino population, the greater Minneapolis area is becoming a hotbed for ethnic diversity.

People Group Profiles

Displaying 1-25 of 48 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Affinity Bloc Primary Religion Baseline Population Total
LuxembourgerLuxembourgEurasian PeoplesNon-Religious1,120
SomaliSomaliaHorn of AfricaIslam70,000
VietnameseVietnamSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism20,499
HindiIndiaSouth Asian PeoplesHinduism15,533
Gujarati (Hindu)IndiaSouth Asian PeoplesHinduism8,630
Arab, Lebanese (Muslim)LebanonArab WorldIslam - Sunni4,076
Arab, MoroccanMoroccoArab WorldIslam - Sunni3,133
Arab, EgyptianEgyptArab WorldIslam2,280
UrduPakistanSouth Asian PeoplesIslam1,763
Arab, IraqiIraqArab WorldIslam - Shia1,700
AzerbaijaniAzerbaijanTurkic PeoplesIslam - Shia1,600
ThaiThailandSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism - Theravada1,291
AnuakSouth SudanSub-Saharan AfricanEthnic Religions1,200
Arab, Palestinian (Muslim)IsraelArab WorldIslam1,161
Hmong, WhiteLaosSoutheast Asian PeoplesEthnic Religions51,600
Ethiopian, AmharaEthiopiaHorn of AfricaChristianity - Orthodox50,000
Deaf AmericanUnited StatesDeafEthnic Religions45,900
RussianRussiaEurasian PeoplesChristianity - Orthodox12,383
Chinese, MandarinChinaEast Asian PeoplesBuddhism10,800
LiberianLiberiaSub-Saharan AfricanChristianity - Protestant9,364
Arab, Lebanese (Christian)LebanonArab WorldChristianity - Roman Catholic7,260
LaoLaosSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism6,844
EcuadorianEcuadorLatin-Caribbean AmericansChristianity - Roman Catholic5,551
Cambodian, KhmerCambodiaSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism5,480

Ethnic Links

Twin Cities Demographics- A website about the demographics in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

Somalis in Minneapolis-St. Paul- Details the history of Somalis in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Immigration in Minnesota- a good article on immigration in Minnesota and Minneapolis.