People Group Profiles

“All nations will come and worship before you."

- Revelations 15:4

Moru of United States

People Group Info

Total Population: 6,600

ROP3 Code: 106811
IMB Affinity Group: Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan African
People Cluster: Sudanic
Language: Moru - (mgd)
Religion: Ethnic Religions
Country of Origin: South Sudan

Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Jason Wallis

Majority Located Where

  Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX - 2,800

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Brief Profile

The Moru people migrated from the Equatoria Province of South Sudan. Their traditional lifestyle relied upon subsistence farming, living off the land to provide for their families. They also relied upon hunting and fishing. As a result of their traditional lifestyle, arrival in the United States was a radical change with many Moru suffering from culture shock.

A large percentage of Moru are nominal Christians with some still practicing traditional religious customs. However, many Moru are Christians, most being evangelical in their religious adherence. Another large percentage come from the Episcopal Church of the Sudan. Traditionally, during Christian worship, they play a rattle, known as a gara, which is gourd filled with seeds. Dance is also very much a part of their cultural traditions during Christian worship and also festivals, wedding ceremonies, and other special occasions.

Please note: The Sudanese people group cluster, numbering over 100,000, includes the Acholi, Anuak, Azande, Bari, Central Dinka, Jur Modo, Kaliko, Mabaan, Madi, Moru, Nuer, Shilluk, plus several other minority people groups. They are socially, culturally, linguistically, and religiously diverse with each having their own unique people group identity.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that evangelical Moru will boldy share their faith in Christ with other Moru people, other Sudanese unreached people, and other unreached African people groups.
  • Pray that God will plant evangelical Christians to live among the Moru people in order to exhibit a viable growing relationship with Moru people.

Learning Resources

Learn more about "Learning Paths"
Online Courses for embracing, encountering and engaging diaspora people. Work at your own pace. Begin anytime and complete the course according to your schedule. Interactive, Hands-On Application.

Learn more about "Reaching the Nations"
This book delineates five disciplines Christians should develop in order to effectively reach the nations. More specifically, it will guide Christians to develop an engagement strategy in their locale.

World Religions - Beliefs Overview
An overview of major world religions and cults - their beliefs and practices.

Other Resources

Prayer Guide for Unreached Peoples
A 30 day guide to pray for unreached people groups.

Prayer Guide using the GOSPELS acronym
A prayer guide that utilizes the acronym GOSPELS to pray for workers among diaspora.

Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
Country City Metro Area Name State / Prov. Baseline Population
United StatesDallasDallas-Fort Worth-ArlingtonTX2,800