People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-30 of 42 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
Chatino, CentralMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)2,200
Chatino, YaitepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicWestern Highland Chatino - (ctp)425
Chatino, ZenzontepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicZenzontepec Chatino - (czn)1,600
Chinantec, ChiltepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)550
CholMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicChol - (ctu)30,000
CocopaMexicoEthnic ReligionsCocopa - (coc)1,010
CoraMexicoEthnic ReligionsEl Nayar Cora - (crn)550
HuicholMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)6,100
KumiaiMexicoChristianitySpanish - (spa)150
MexicanMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)11,726,672
Mixtec, Central TlaxiacoMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicTijaltepec Mixtec - (xtl)6,110
Mixtec, MixtepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicMixtepec Mixtec - (mix)750
Mixtec, Northwestern TlaxiacoMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)4,000
Mixtec, Southeastern GuerreroMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicMetlatónoc Mixtec - (mxv)16,500
Mixtec, TlazoyaltepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)2,200
Mixtec, Western OaxacaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSilacayoapan Mixtec - (mks)6,400
Nahuatl, CentralMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)48,500
Nahuatl, GuerreroMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)23,500
Nahuatl, HuastecaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)76,000
Nahuatl, IsthmusMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)6,900
Nahuatl, Northern PueblaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)16,000
Nahuatl, Southeastern PueblaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSoutheastern Puebla Nahuatl - (npl)24,000
Nahuatl, TenangoMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicZacatlán-Ahuacatlán-Tepetzintla Nahuatl - (nhi)7,150
Otomi, ValleyMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)45,000
PurepechaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicPurepecha - (tsz)11,500
Tlapanec, NorthernMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicAcatepec Me'phaa - (tpx)14,000
Triqui, CopalaMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicCopala Triqui - (trc)5,600
Triqui, SoutheasternMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicChicahuaxtla Triqui - (trs)950
TzeltalMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicTzeltal - (tzh)64,100
TzotzilMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicTzotzil - (tzo)57,000

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