Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA

The Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA metro area is a 2 county area in southern California. Los Angeles is the most densely populated city in the United States with over 7,500 people per square mile, and is considered to be the most linguistically diverse metro area in the United States.

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Total Population: 1,997,353

Census Data

  • Foreign Born - 4,393,914
  • Language Spoken at Home - 6,416,790

[Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Foreign Born and Language Spoken at Home]

Quick Facts

  • Asian people groups total over 1.5 million with people groups from the American peoples numbering over 2.6 million.

  • 33.5% of the total population are Foreign Born (1st Generation Americans).

  • Home to the largest Vietnamese community in the United States, known as Little Saigon, and home to over 170 Buddhist Temples.

  • Home to the largest Armenian community in the United States, with the majority residing in the Glendale area of the metro.

  • Los Angeles city contains the largest number of ethnic enclaves in the United States. Read more ...

  • Ethnic enclaves like Chinatown, Historic Filipinotown, Koreatown, Little Armenia, Little Ethiopia, Little Bangladesh in Mid-City, Los Angeles, Little Moscow inHollywood, Little Tokyo, several Little Saigons, Tehrangeles in West Los Angeles and Thai Town provide examples.

  • A University of California study insists that in Los Angeles County alone 1 in 10 residents are illegal. 63 percent of those undocumented residents are Mexican, 22 percent are from Central America and 8 percent are from the Philippines, China, or Korea.


Los Angeles is an incredibly diverse city, home to people from over numerous countries who speak a large percentage of all languages spoken in the United States. Ethnic enclave communities like Koreatown, Chinatown, Thai Town, Little Ethiopia and Little Tokyo reveal the Metro Areas diverse multilingual and cultural nature.

Mexicans comprise the largest ethnic group of Latinos, followed by Salvadorans and Guatemalans. The largest Asian people groups include Vietnamese, Filipino (Tagalog speakers) and Koreans, which are mostly concentrated in Koreatown and Historic Filipinotown, respectively. Chinese, Mandarin people also have large presence and can be found in Chinatown and throughout the Metro Area. Both Thaitown and Chinatown are home to many Thai and Cambodian people, while Japanese people live primarily in Little Toyko in downtown Los Angeles. Middle Eastern people groups include Persians in what is known as Tehrangeles and Armenians in Little Armenia.

Los Angeles is an incredibly diverse city, home to people from over numerous countries who speak a large percentage of all languages spoken in the United States. Ethnic enclave communities like Koreatown, Chinatown, Thai Town, Little Ethiopia and Little Tokyo reveal the Metro Areas diverse multilingual and cultural nature.

Mexicans comprise the largest ethnic group of Latinos, followed by Salvadorans and Guatemalans. The largest Asian people groups include Vietnamese, Filipino (Tagalog speakers) and Koreans, which are mostly concentrated in Koreatown and Historic Filipinotown, respectively. Chinese, Mandarin people also have large presence and can be found in Chinatown and throughout the Metro Area. Both Thaitown and Chinatown are home to many Thai and Cambodian people, while Japanese people live primarily in Little Toyko in downtown Los Angeles. Middle Eastern people groups include Persians in what is known as Tehrangeles and Armenians in Little Armenia.

Only a few miles from California’s Disneyland sits a string of Middle Eastern restaurants and shops backed by the Arab American community affectionately called, “Little Arabia.”

People Group Profiles

Displaying 1-25 of 112 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Affinity Bloc Primary Religion Baseline Population Total
Jew, YemeniYemenJewsEthnic Religions - Judaism5,000
Arab, Najdi SpokenSaudi ArabiaArab WorldIslam1,200
Arab, Lebanese DruzeLebanonArab WorldIslam900
JavaneseMalaysiaMalay PeoplesIslam - Sunni450
Punjabi SikhIndiaSouth Asian PeoplesOther Religions - Sikhism32
LametLaosSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism30
VietnameseVietnamSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism268,271
Jew, RussianRussiaJewsEthnic Religions - Judaism80,000
JapaneseJapanEast Asian PeoplesEthnic Religions - Shintoism73,041
HindiIndiaSouth Asian PeoplesHinduism58,214
ThaiThailandSoutheast Asian PeoplesBuddhism - Theravada34,615
GujaratiIndiaSouth Asian PeoplesHinduism32,079
Jew, TehraniIranJewsEthnic Religions - Judaism30,000
Arab, EgyptianEgyptArab WorldIslam23,765
UrduPakistanSouth Asian PeoplesIslam19,405
Jew, IsraeliIsraelJewsEthnic Religions - Judaism18,885
Arab, Lebanese (Muslim)LebanonArab WorldIslam - Sunni15,804
TurkTurkeyTurkic PeoplesIslam - Sunni11,500
Arab, Palestinian (Muslim)IsraelArab WorldIslam10,421
BengaliBangladeshSouth Asian PeoplesIslam - Sunni7,287
Arab, MoroccanMoroccoArab WorldIslam - Sunni7,068
Arab, IraqiIraqArab WorldIslam - Shia5,771
Arab, SaudiSaudi ArabiaArab WorldIslam3,700

Ethnic Links

Ethnic Changes and Enclaves in Los Angeles - an article with a map on the various ethnic enclaves in Los Angeles and a map showing the various locations of ethnic enclaves.

A Map depicting the Ethnic Diversity of Los Angeles (by Los Angeles Times) - a map using a diversity index to reveal the most diverse neighborhoods and communities in Los Angeles.

Ethnic Enclaves in Southern California - a map depicting the various ethnic enclaves in the metro area.

Purepecha Festival - A yearly festival highlighting the culture, food, and music of the indigenous Purepecha people of Mexico.