People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-25 of 25 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
TanainaUnited StatesChristianity - OrthodoxEnglish - (eng)450
Eskimo, Alaska Inupiat, NorthwestUnited StatesChristianity - OrthodoxNorthwest Alaska Inupiatun - (esk)6,685
Eskimo CreoleUnited StatesChristianity - OrthodoxEnglish - (eng)3,100
Eastern AleutUnited StatesChristianity - OrthodoxAleut - (ale)1,900
Degexitan, IngalikUnited StatesChristianity - OrthodoxEnglish - (eng)275
AcadianCanadaChristianity - OrthodoxCajun French - (frc)186,900
Arab, Syrian (Christian)SyriaChristianity - OrthodoxNorth Levantine Arabic - (apc)225,249
SerbSerbia Serbian - (srp)210,268
RussianRussiaChristianity - OrthodoxRussian - (rus)961,102
RomanianRomaniaChristianity - OrthodoxRomanian - (ron)391,423
MoldovanMoldovaChristianity - OrthodoxRomanian - (ron)44,255
MacedonianMacedoniaChristianity - OrthodoxMacedonian - (mkd)60,027
Arab, Jordanian (Christian)JordanChristianity - OrthodoxSouth Levantine Arabic - (ajp)111,121
Arab, Palestinian (Christian)IsraelChristianity - OrthodoxSouth Levantine Arabic - (ajp)72,645
GreekGreeceChristianity - OrthodoxModern Greek - (ell)487,705
GeorgianGeorgiaChristianity - OrthodoxGeorgian - (kat)15,155
Ethiopian, AmharaEthiopiaChristianity - OrthodoxAmharic - (amh)222,760
EstonianEstoniaChristianity - OrthodoxStandard Estonian - (ekk)44,685
Egyptian CoptEgyptChristianity - OrthodoxEgyptian Arabic - (arz)350,000
CzechCzechiaChristianity - OrthodoxCzech - (ces)94,415
Greek CypriotCyprusChristianity - OrthodoxEnglish - (eng)5,900
BulgarBulgariaChristianity - OrthodoxBulgarian - (bul)126,085
BelarusianBelarusChristianity - OrthodoxBelarusian - (bel)91,565
ArmenianArmeniaChristianity - OrthodoxArmenian - (hye)249,940
Roma (Gypsy)RomaniaChristianity - OrthodoxRomanian - (ron)5,255

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