People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-27 of 27 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
CarolinianMicronesiaChristianity - Roman CatholicCarolinian - (cal)200
ChamorroMicronesiaChristianity - Roman CatholicChamorro - (cha)92,500
FijianFijiChristianity - ProtestantFijian - (fij)58,815
French PolynesianFrench PolynesiaChristianity - ProtestantTahitian - (tah)1,300
GilberteseSolomon IslandsChristianity - ProtestantGilbertese - (gil)200
GuamianGuamChristianityEnglish - (eng)56,500
Hawaiian Creole-speakersUnited StatesChristianityHawai'i Creole English - (hwc)1,600
Hawaiian, HawaiiUnited StatesChristianityHawaiian - (haw)168,135
KusaieanNauruChristianity - ProtestantKosraean - (kos)700
MaoriNew ZealandChristianity - ProtestantMaori - (mri)3,015
MarquesanFrench PolynesiaChristianity - Roman CatholicNorth Marquesan - (mrq)420
MarshalleseMarshall IslandsChristianity - ProtestantMarshallese - (mah)4,052
MelanesianPapua New GuineaChristianityTok Pisin - (tpi)2,512
MicronesianMicronesiaChristianity - Roman CatholicChuukese - (chk)5,900
Midway IslandersUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)2,600
MokileseMicronesiaChristianityMokilese - (mkj)475
NiueanNiueChristianity - ProtestantNiuean - (niu)70
NukoroMicronesiaChristianity - ProtestantNukuoro - (nkr)140
PalauUnited StatesChristianityPalauan - (pau)2,900
PolynesianChristianityEnglish - (eng)14,860
PonapeanMicronesiaChristianityPohnpeian - (pon)1,700
RarotonganNew ZealandChristianity - ProtestantRarotongan - (rar)80
Samoan, AmericanAmerican SamoaChristianitySamoan - (smo)62,320
TokelauanTokelauChristianity - ProtestantTokelau - (tkl)107
TonganTonga Tonga (Tonga Islands) - (ton)31,700
Woleai-UlithiMicronesiaChristianity - ProtestantUlithian - (uli)100
YapeseMicronesiaChristianityYapese - (yap)700

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