People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 31-60 of 313 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
Black Creole, GullahUnited StatesChristianitySea Island Creole English - (gul)295,000
Blackfoot, SiksikaUnited StatesChristianitySiksika - (bla)26,425
BolivianBoliviaChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)105,780
BrazilianBrazilChristianity - Other / MarginalPortuguese - (por)308,395
CaddoUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)5,757
CahuillaUnited StatesChristianity - Roman CatholicEnglish - (eng)3,000
CakchiquelGuatemalaEthnic ReligionsKaqchikel - (cak)124,000
Carib Motilon, YukpaColombiaChristianity - Roman CatholicYukpa - (yup)700
Caribbean, English SpeakingChristianityEnglish - (eng)360,000
CarrierCanadaChristianity - Roman CatholicCarrier - (crx)2,700
Carrier, BabineCanadaChristianity - Roman CatholicBabine - (bcr)3,000
Carrier, SouthernCanadaChristianity - Roman CatholicSouthern Carrier - (caf)600
CatawbaUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)578
CayugaCanadaChristianityCayuga - (cay)4,600
Chatino, CentralMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)2,200
Chatino, YaitepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicWestern Highland Chatino - (ctp)425
Chatino, ZenzontepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicZenzontepec Chatino - (czn)1,600
ChehalisUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsEnglish - (eng)875
CherokeeUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsCherokee - (chr)310,000
ChetcoUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)40
CheyenneUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsCheyenne - (chy)22,900
ChickasawUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)21,897
ChilcotinCanadaChristianityChilcotin - (clc)2,500
ChileanChileChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)169,135
Chinantec, ChiltepecMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)550
Chinook WawaUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsChinook jargon - (chn)790
ChipewyanCanadaEthnic ReligionsChipewyan - (chp)6,900
ChippewaUnited StatesChristianity - Roman CatholicOjibwa - (oji)114,020
Chippewa, Eastern Ojibwa SpeakingCanadaChristianityEastern Ojibwa - (ojg)31,500
Chippewa, Northwestern OjibwaCanadaChristianityOjibwa - (oji)23,500

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= Unengaged and Unreached

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